The Cold City Movie.
actor:Charlize Theron James McAvoy Eddy Mason John Goodman Jones James Fokkeroland Merlesophia Podorabyl Skaskard Sam Haguef Johannes Hooker Johannessentil Schweig Barbara Sukkova Attila Apatadine Angboully Ghrel
Latest Rating:5.7
Highest number of likes:38650
area:United States Germany Sweden Hungary
language:English German
class:Action is scary.
director:and David Ritchie.
subtitle:The Coldest City The Coldest City
blurb:Based on the novel of the same name by Anthony Johnston, the film tells the spying operation before the end of the Cold War: in 1989, the situation in Democratic Germany changed drastically, the Berlin Wall faced the fate of demolition, but this is also the darkest moment, various assassinations occurred. a British military secret six underground officer was murdered in Berlin, he had a spy list brought back from Democratic Germany, but the killer was not found in him. an agent named Lorraine Brown (Sellon) took on the task of retrieving this spy list.
detail:The film is based on the novel of the same name by Anthony Johnston, which tells the story of the spy operation before the end of the Cold War; font-size:13x;text-wra:wra;background-color:rgb (255,255,255); film based on the novel of the same name:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13x;text-wra:wra;background-color:rgb (255,255); film based on Anthony Johnston's novel adaptation of the spy operation before the end of the Cold War: In 1989, the murderer was not found in him, and the Berlin Wall faced the destiny of demolition, but this was also the darkest moment when various assassinations took place.
remark:HD is
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2024-04-14 00:18:32